congratulations, alanna! what a wonderful opportunity ❤️❤️

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thank you Summer, really appreciate it! gamers rise up

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May 3Liked by Alanna Okun

"textiles" made me perk up extremely. very best wishes!

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Congratulations, Alanna!! I am very excited to see what you create, especially on the gaming front. It's inspiring to see you making this move.

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May 3Liked by Alanna Okun

I did something similar (or opposite?) and I'm really excited for you. I was a professional programmer for 6 year (business software) and wanted to do something creative with the skills I had developed so I quit to make a video game. I had never done something creative and naively discovered things artists have being saying this whole time, like that it "comes out of you" more than "you do it" and that you have to soak up life to have good ideas. I've even been learning a little about websites too because I'm fascinated by their design and good-old-days functionality. And textiles, but then that's funnily very common among women programmers. A lot of people who talk about video games make them out to be too precious but in the end I really think they were just meant to be another way to express ourselves and connect.

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hell yeah!!!! this is so exciting

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May 3Liked by Alanna Okun

I am so stoked for you, Alanna! Congrats and good luck ;)

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Congratulations, Alanna! This is so exciting!!!! Onwards!!!! ❤️

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Congrats!! Enjoy and can't wait to see what you create!!

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I’m so excited to follow the next level, I hope you keep writing throughout. I dearly love seeing button mash pop up in my inbox and look forward to seeing what happens next

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